Friday, November 14, 2014


  Last weekend I saw the movie Interstellar, and then my mind was blown. If you haven’t seen the film I highly recommend you do so. I have always grown up in a home that loves a good sci-fi. I was raised watching sci-fi’s as a family bonding time. Some sci-fi’s that left a big impact on me are Star Trek, Star Wars, The Fifth Element, Sphere, The Abyss and many others I can’t think of in this moment. So that being said I was super pumped to see Interstellar. One thing I loved most about the movie is the fact that I couldn’t stop thinking about it. After we saw the film my husband, dad and mom went out to eat and had a sold hour of discussion talking about the movie, elements in it and theories that were presented. The next morning after the movie I woke up thinking about the movie, actually every morning and all day for the following couple of days after seeing the film I couldn’t stop thinking about it. All I want to send out to the void is intrigue I guess? I know there are plenty of reviews of the film and everyone has there own opinion, but I just want to tell people to see it, and then come and talk to me about the movie. Interstellar gets my official stamp of approval.

What is Happening!?

Ever since learning about our research project and what we would be looking for and doing I have been looking at films in a different way. A week or so ago I was talking with my husband about some film, (the title escapes me at this time) and I remember thinking to myself after we were talking about the film, that would be an interesting theory to research and present. After I had that thought my initial reaction was “oh no! what’s happened!? I’m thinking of research papers that would be interesting to write!” For the first time ever in my life I thought of a  research paper thesis and thought it would be a cool thing to write about, on my own accord without an assignment. I do not consider myself a writer and have never aspired to become one but for the first time in my life I thought it would be cool to write a paper for fun, for my own benefit. Seriously what is happening to me!???

Peer Reviews

      Peer review for the research paper was insightful so to speak. Going into it I was already aware of what my paper was lacking and what needed editing. That being said I think it is really good to have a peer read my writing. When I was in high school so many of my peers thought that peer reviews were pointless and never took them seriously. I never really understood why, I always gave as much detail and helpful comments on a peers writing that I could. The vulnerability of giving your writing over to someone else to read is really good for a writer to do, whether you want to or not. When we were doing the peer reviews the person who was reviewing my paper asked me where my thesis was. My initial thought was that it was obvious, but then I thought more about it and made a note to myself to look at my thesis again and make sure I write it in a way in my revision so it is clear for the reader to find.

The Draft

     While writing my research paper draft I found myself getting caught up in the film. I went a little overboard on the details of the scenes I am analyzing. I am still constantly looking for useful sources for my model. I was trying to find sources written about the Manchurian Candidate but wasn’t really able to find much that was helpful. I think V for Vendetta will be a good title to search for sources. Another problem I was having while writing my paper was figuring out how to organize my thoughts in fluid and constructive sentences. I found that I wrote in fragments and ideas rather than fluid, and clear sentences. Writing the draft was super helpful for me though, I think I have a great start and understanding for how I want to write my revised draft, what I need to work on more, and what I need to cut out of my paper.